Means shall be provided to isolate oil spills on the upper deck from accommodation and service spaces and shall take into account stern cargo handling facilities where these are provided. 须设置设施,将上甲板的溢油与起居舱及服务舱隔离,并须顾及船尾货物处理设施(如有设置的话)。
Animal houses should be well isolated from other areas, with respect entrance and air handling facilities. 动物房应尽量与其他区域独立开,且有专门的入口和空气处理设施。
Wash hands and face thoroughly after handling and before work breaks, eating, drinking, smoking and using toilet facilities. 在工作休息,吃、喝、吸烟和使用卫生间之前,都必须彻底清洗双手和脸部。
It mostly comprises a gravitic drive and a hold but it is occasionally used as a fleet scout as it is quite manoeuvrable and has unmatched data handling and communications facilities. 它主要由一个重力驱动器和一个货舱组成,但偶尔也因为机动性和不相称的数据处理和通讯设备被用作舰队侦察。
The section describes the overall arrangement, and describes handling the facilities needed in all foreseeable emergencies on the construction site, while rescue operation is involved. 本条叙述总体安排,并描述处理工地上可能发生的一切可预见紧急事件所需的设施,包括抢救行动。
Piraeus port authority, the state-controlled operator, has struggled to attract international container companies because of Limited handling facilities and poor labour relations. 因港口吞吐能力有限,同时劳工关系紧张,希腊国有运营商比雷埃夫斯港务局(piraeusportauthority)一直难以吸引到国际集装箱公司。
This paper introduces the design optimization and innovation of the general layout, hydraulic structures, handling technology, and associated facilities for Dalian Port Specialized Ore Terminal engineering according to the specific engineering condition of this project and the requirements of social development. 摘要介绍在大连港矿石专用码头工程设计中结合工程自身条件和社会发展要求对总体布置、水工结构、装卸工艺及配套设施所进行的设计优化和创新工作。
The middle-water facilities mentioned in these measures, refers to handling and purifying, collecting, supplying, computing and detecting facilities of middle-water and other relevant facilities. 本办法所称中水设施,是指中水的净化处理、集水、供水、计量、检测设施以及其它有关设施。
The Bangladesh Agricultural University proposed to develop a post graduate degree programme on meat handling and processing involving the centre facilities and technical and scientific staff. 孟加拉农业大学提出建议要利用中心的设施和科技人员设立一个肉类处理和加工的研究生学位。
Our cargo handling facilities in China ensure that goods moves quickly and efficiently through the country's ports. 我们设于中国的货柜处理设施,确保快速有效地运送进出国家港口的货品。
The report blames rising coastal populations and a lack of adequate infrastructure and waste handling facilities for the increase in pollution. 报告把污染增加的原因归咎于沿海人口的增加以及缺乏足够的基础设施和污水处理厂。
Applications: Handling of boiler feed water and condensate in power stations and industrial facilities. 应用:用于输送发电站及工业设施的锅炉给水及冷凝水。
Applications: Handling of feed water in power stations, boiler feed water and condensate in industrial facilities. 应用:用于输送电站锅炉给水和工业设备中的锅炉给水和凝结水。
For the bulk handling facilities, a method of the nuclear material accounting and the Material Unaccounted For ( MUF) evaluation is given in this paper. 针对散料核设施,提供了一个核材料衡算和MUF评价的方法。
The fuel handling machine, one of the important facilities of this system, has past the ex-factory test, which indicates that it can meet the function requirements and its design is proper. 工艺运输系统的重要设备装卸料机已通过出厂验收,达到了功能要求,证明设计是合理的。
Optimized Design of LPG Storage and Handling Facilities 液化石油气储运设施的优化设计设备管理的理论基础&设备老化和老化程度的数量指标
Well handling village financial management plays an active role in stabilizing rural areas and promoting development of all parts of rural facilities. 搞好村级财务管理,对稳定农村及促进农村各项事业的发展将起着积极的作用。
The main monitoring program of M 18 system, M 18 system's interrupted handling and accomplishing mode of the program for management facilities are analyzed in this article. 本文主要分析主监控程序、M&18的中断系统,以及监控系统管理功能的实现方式。
Do impurities cause unnecessary damage to handling, storage and transportation facilities? 杂质对处理、储存和运输设施是否会造成不必要的损害;
The system has a powerful central database which is responsible for collecting, handling, storing and distributing the terminal area flight information, conditions of ground movements, apron, meteorological and facilities 'operations, and the information about passenger, cargo, mail and baggage, etc. 系统建有强大的中心数据库,负责采集、处理、存储、发布航站区内航班信息、地面站坪、气象、设备运行状态、商务的客、货、邮、行等等大量信息。
Correct handling of relationship between reuse of state-owned facilities and exploitation of mineral resources 正确处理国有资产再利用与矿产资源开发的关系
Air logistics park provides the public logistic establishment, the logistic information service, and compositive logistic services, through the aircraft and ground handling facilities. 而航空物流园区是指以航空飞行器及机场地面配套物流设施为核心运输服务手段,为多家航空货代、综合物流企业和物流中心提供公共物流设施、物流信息服务及综合物流服务。
The nuclear material accounting and MUF evaluation for the bulk handling facilities 散料核设施核材料衡算与MUF评价
Portal Cranes are the main handling facilities of the port production and the technological state of their performance affect the production efficiency and economic benefits of the port directly. 港口门座起重机是港口生产作业的主要装卸设备,其运行技术状态的好坏直接影响着港口的生产效率和经济效益。
Through the new project of optimized design for process system of LPG crack raw material storage and handling facilities the actual capacity of 2# ethylene plant is increased and energy consumption for crack raw material consumption and for ethylene plant is reduced. 通过新增一套液化石油气裂解原料储运设施工艺系统的优化设计,提高了上海石化2乙烯装置实际生产能力,并减少了裂解原料单耗和乙烯装置能耗。
For the construction of port transport facility is ignored in the container port development which is different from the port water depth 、 channel facilities and container handling equipment, the port transport facilities has become the bottleneck of the container port cargo flow. 由于在集装箱港口建设中对于港口集疏运设施的建设往往不像码头水深和航道设施及集装箱装卸设备等受到更多的重视,导致港口集疏运设施成为集装箱港口货流的瓶颈。
By handling and controlling the teaching content, distributing and controlling students seats, choosing and controlling facilities, teachers can improve teaching and achieve teaching object. 通过教师对教学内容的处理与控制、对学生座位的分配与控制、对设备的选择与控制来促进课堂教学,以有助于教学质量的提高,达到教学目的。
The bulk cargo handling facilities for our inland harbours are considerably underdeveloped. 我国内河港口码头散货装船设备还很落后。
There is a great deal of decay and loss caused by poor handling packing and inadequate storage facilities. 但由于粗糙的包装和不恰当的保存,大量芒果腐烂,损失很大。
And aluminum sulfate treatment is not applied, compared handling facilities will reduce the aluminum sulfate in different parts of rice fluoride, but the same treatment sampled at different times, reducing fluoride effects were quite different. 2. 与不施硫酸铝处理相比,施硫酸铝处理会降低水稻植株各部位的含氟量,但是同一处理在不同时间取样,降氟效果有较大差别。